Canadian Academic Guidelines
Curricular Competencies: Students are expected to...
Exchange ideas and perspectives to build shared understanding
Use writing and design processes to plan, develop, and create texts for a variety of purposes and audiences
Throughout All Units
Use language in creative and playful ways to develop style
Unit 2: Descriptive Writing
Unit 4: Narrative Writing
Unit 5: Poetry
Unit 7: Descriptive Writing
Unit 9: Narrative Writing
Unit 10: Poetry
Communicate in sentences and paragraphs, applying conventions of Canadian spelling, grammar, and punctuation
Throughout All Units
Develop and apply expanding word knowledge
Throughout All Units
Use oral storytelling processes
Transform ideas and information to create original texts
Throughout All Units
Content: Students are expected to know the following...
Story/text forms, functions and genres
Throughout All Units
Story/text features
Throughout All Units
Story/text literary elements
Throughout All Units
Story/text literary devices
Throughout All Units
Story/text evidence
Unit 1: Informative Writing
Unit 3: Persuasive Writing
Unit 6: Informative Writing
Unit 8: Persuasive Writing
Reading strategies
Oral language strategies
Metacognitive strategies
Throughout All Units
Writing processes
Throughout All Units
Features of oral language
Paragraph structure
Unit 1: Informative Writing
Sentence structure and grammar
Throughout All Units
Throughout All Units
D1. Developing Ideas and Organizing Content. Students will...
D1.1 identify the topic, purpose, and audience for various texts they plan to create, and explain why the chosen text form, genre, and medium suit the purpose and audience and how they will help communicate the intended meaning
Unit 1: Informative Writing
Unit 3: Persuasive Writing
Unit 6: Informative Writing
Unit 8: Persuasive Writing
D1.2 generate and develop ideas about various topics, such as topics related to diversity, equity, and inclusion and to other subject areas, using a variety of strategies, and drawing on various resources, including their own lived experiences
Unit 1: Informative Writing
Unit 3: Persuasive Writing
Unit 6: Informative Writing
Unit 8: Persuasive Writing
D1.3 gather information and content relevant to a topic, using a variety of sources and strategies, and record the sources of information
Unit 1: Informative Writing
Unit 3: Persuasive Writing
Unit 6: Informative Writing
Unit 8: Persuasive Writing
D1.4 select and classify ideas and collected information, using appropriate strategies and tools, and sequence content, taking into account the chosen text form, genre, and medium
Throughout All Units
D1.5 describe the strategies and tools that helped them develop ideas and organize content for texts of the chosen forms, genres, and media, and explain how they helped them improve as a text creator
D2. Creating Texts. Students will...
D2.1 draft texts of various forms and genres, including narrative, persuasive, and informational texts, using a variety of media, tools, and strategies
Throughout All Units
D2.2 write in cursive, forming letters of appropriate shape, size, proportion, and slant to improve the legibility of texts, and begin to develop fluent keyboarding skills using touch-typing techniques
Throughout All Units
D2.3 establish a personal voice in their texts, using varied language and elements of style to express their thoughts, feelings, and opinions about a topic, and using a tone appropriate to the form and genre
Throughout All Units
D2.4 identify the point of view used in their texts, and the perspectives and bias conveyed in their texts
Unit 3: Persuasive Writing
Unit 8: Persuasive Writing
D2.5 make revisions to the content of draft texts and to elements of style, such as word choice and adding or deleting sentences, to improve clarity, focus, and coherence, seeking feedback *
Throughout All Units
D3. Publishing, Presenting, and Reflecting. Students will...
D3.1 produce final texts using a variety of techniques and tools, including simple digital design and production tools, to achieve the intended effect
Throughout All Units
D3.2 publish and present texts they have created, using selected media and tools, and explain how each helped them communicate their intended message
D3.3 describe various strategies that helped them present and communicate their message when publishing and presenting texts, and explain how they helped them improve as a text creator
* Available in Route2Write Marking bundles
1. Prewriting
Understands the purpose for the writing (e.g., to entertain, to inform, to communicate)
Throughout All Units
Selects topic and text type based on purpose and audience
Throughout All Units
Examines models of text type through immersion into the text (e.g. features of text, strategies author used to craft the text)
Throughout All Units
2. Drafting, i.e. initial version(s) of texts
Writes to a specific familiar audience of family, friends and teacher
Throughout All Units
Writes to a specific wider audience on self-selected and assigned topics, issues and concerns
Throughout All Units
Uses a structure that fits the type of writing (e.g. letter format, narrative)
Throughout All Units
Adjusts writing decisions to purpose and audience (e.g. the register and syntax of a
postcard, flyer and letter are different)
Throughout All Units
Connects needs and expectations of a specific audience to writing decisions (e.g.
provides additional details or information, sequences events or information to
enhance reader’s comprehension)
Throughout All Units
3. Revision, i.e. making changes to content of text and/or message and/or meaning
Rereads for clarity
Adds descriptive words and sufficient details
Throughout All Units
Sequences information, events
Unit 1: Informative Writing
Unit 3: Persuasive Writing
Unit 4: Narrative Writing
Unit 6: Informative Writing
Unit 8: Persuasive Writing
Unit 9: Narrative Writing
Deletes unnecessary details and/or information
Throughout All Units *
4. Editing, i.e. rearranging/re-ordering what has already been written and proofreading
Checks for spelling, punctuation and capitalization
Throughout All Units *
Checks for conventions of grammar
Throughout All Units *
Rearranges sentences and paragraphs for clarity and effect
Throughout All Units *
5. Publishing
Selects personally significant pieces of writing to publish
Selects layout and highlights relevant structures and features to enhance the presentation
Feedback: seeks and provides throughout all stages of the writing process
Throughout All Units *
* Only with the Marking Bundle
Curricular Competencies: Students are expected to...
Exchange ideas and perspectives to build shared understanding
Use writing and design processes to plan, develop, and create texts for a variety of purposes and audiences
Throughout All Units
Use language in creative and playful ways to develop style
Unit 2: Descriptive Writing
Unit 4: Narrative Writing
Unit 5: Poetry
Unit 7: Descriptive
Unit 9: Narrative Writing
Unit 10: Poetry
Communicate in sentences and paragraphs, applying conventions of Canadian spelling, grammar, and punctuation
Throughout All Units
Develop and apply expanding word knowledge
Throughout All Units
Use oral storytelling processes
Transform ideas and information to create original texts
Throughout All Units
Content: Students are expected to know the following...
Story/text forms, functions and genres
Throughout All Units
Story/text features
Throughout All Units
Story/text literary elements
Throughout All Units
Story/text literary devices
Throughout All Units
Story/text evidence
Unit 1: Informative Writing
Unit 3: Persuasive Writing
Unit 6: Informative Writing
Unit 8: Persuasive Writing
Reading strategies
Oral language strategies
Metacognitive strategies
Throughout All Units
Writing processes
Throughout All Units
Features of oral language
Unit 1: Informative Writing
Sentence structure and grammar
Throughout All Units
Throughout All Units
D1. Developing Ideas and Organizing Content. Students will...
D1.1 identify the topic, purpose, and audience for various texts they plan to create, and explain why the chosen text form, genre, and medium suit the purpose and audience and how they will help communicate the intended meaning
Unit 1: Informative Writing
Unit 3: Persuasive Writing
Unit 6: Informative Writing
Unit 8: Persuasive Writing
D1.2 generate and develop ideas about various topics, such as topics related to diversity, equity, and inclusion and to other subject areas, using a variety of strategies, and drawing on various resources, including their own lived experiences
Unit 1: Informative Writing
Unit 3: Persuasive Writing
Unit 6: Informative Writing
Unit 8: Persuasive Writing
D1.3 gather information and content relevant to a topic, using a variety of sources and strategies, and record the sources of information
Unit 1: Informative Writing
Unit 3: Persuasive Writing
Unit 6: Informative Writing
Unit 8: Persuasive Writing
D1.4 select and classify ideas and collected information, using appropriate strategies and tools, and sequence content, taking into account the chosen text form, genre, and medium
Throughout All Units
D1.5 describe the strategies and tools that helped them develop ideas and organize content for texts of the chosen forms, genres, and media, and explain how they helped them improve as a text creator
D2. Creating Texts. Students will...
D2.1 draft texts of various forms and genres, including narrative, persuasive, and informational texts, using a variety of media, tools, and strategies
Throughout All Units
D2.2 write in fluent cursive, begin to keyboard with automaticity, and apply word-processing skills, including selecting appropriate fonts, to produce and enhance texts of various lengths
Throughout All Units
D2.3 establish a personal voice in their texts, using varied language and elements of style to express their thoughts, feelings, and opinions about a topic, and using a tone appropriate to the form and genre
Throughout All Units
D2.4 identify the point of view, implicit and explicit perspectives, and bias conveyed in their texts, and explain how their messages might be interpreted by audiences with different perspectives
Unit 3: Persuasive Writing
Unit 8: Persuasive Writing
D2.5 make revisions to the content of draft texts and to elements of style, such as word choice and adding or deleting sentences, to improve clarity, focus, and coherence, seeking feedback *
Throughout All Units
D2.6 edit draft texts to improve accuracy and style, checking for errors in spelling, punctuation, grammar, and format; use a word processor to edit texts
D3. Publishing, Presenting, and Reflecting. Students will...
D3.1 produce final texts using a variety of techniques and tools, including simple digital design and production tools, to achieve the intended effect
Throughout All Units
D3.2 publish and present texts they have created, using selected media and tools, and explain how each helped them communicate their intended message
D3.3 describe various strategies that helped them present and communicate their message when publishing and presenting texts, and explain how they helped them improve as a text creator
* Available in Route2Write Marking bundles
1. Prewriting
Understands the purpose for the writing (e.g., to entertain, to inform, to communicate)
Throughout All Units
Selects topic and text type based on purpose and audience
Throughout All Units
Examines models of text type through immersion into the text (e.g. features of text, strategies author used to craft the text)
Throughout All Units
2. Drafting, i.e. initial version(s) of texts
Writes to a specific familiar audience of family, friends and teacher
Throughout All Units
Writes to a specific wider audience on self-selected and assigned topics, issues and concerns
Throughout All Units
Uses a structure that fits the type of writing (e.g. letter format, narrative)
Throughout All Units
Adjusts writing decisions to purpose and audience (e.g. the register and syntax of a
postcard, flyer and letter are different)
Throughout All Units
Connects needs and expectations of a specific audience to writing decisions (e.g.
provides additional details or information, sequences events or information to
enhance reader’s comprehension)
Throughout All Units
3. Revision, i.e. making changes to content of text and/or message and/or meaning
Rereads for clarity
Adds descriptive words and sufficient details
Throughout All Units
Sequences information, events
Unit 1: Informative Writing
Unit 3: Persuasive Writing
Unit 4: Narrative Writing
Unit 6: Informative Writing
Unit 8: Persuasive Writing
Unit 9: Narrative Writing
Deletes unnecessary details and/or information
Throughout All Units *
4. Editing, i.e. rearranging/re-ordering what has already been written and proofreading
Checks for spelling, punctuation and capitalization
Throughout All Units *
Checks for conventions of grammar
Throughout All Units *
Rearranges sentences and paragraphs for clarity and effect
Throughout All Units *
5. Publishing
Selects personally significant pieces of writing to publish
Selects layout and highlights relevant structures and features to enhance the presentation
Feedback: seeks and provides throughout all stages of the writing process
Throughout All Units *
* Only with the Marking Bundle
Curricular Competencies: Students are expected to...
Exchange ideas and viewpoints to build shared understanding and extend thinking
Use writing and design processes to plan, develop, and create engaging and meaningful
literary and informational texts for a variety of purposes and audiences
Throughout All Units
Assess and refine texts to improve their clarity, effectiveness, and impact according to
purpose, audience, and message
Throughout All Units
Use an increasing repertoire of conventions of Canadian spelling, grammar, and punctuation
Throughout All Units
Use and experiment with oral storytelling processes
Select and use appropriate features, forms, and genres according to audience, purpose,
and message
Throughout All Units
Transform ideas and information to create original texts
Throughout All Units
Content: Students are expected to know the following...
Story/text forms, functions and genres
Throughout All Units
Story/text features
Throughout All Units
Story/text literary elements
Throughout All Units
Story/text literary devices
Throughout All Units
Story/text evidence
Unit 1: Informative Writing
Unit 3: Persuasive Writing
Unit 6: Informative Writing
Unit 8: Persuasive Writing
Reading strategies
Oral language strategies
Metacognitive strategies
Throughout All Units
Writing processes
Throughout All Units
Features of oral language
Unit 1: Informative Writing
Language Variety
Throughout All Units
Sentence structure and grammar
Throughout All Units
Throughout All Units
Presentation Techniques
D1. Developing Ideas and Organizing Content. Students will...
D1.1 identify the topic, purpose, and audience for various texts they plan to create, and explain why the chosen text form, genre, and medium suit the purpose and audience and how they will help communicate the intended meaning
Unit 1: Informative Writing
Unit 3: Persuasive Writing
Unit 6: Informative Writing
Unit 8: Persuasive Writing
D1.2 generate and develop ideas about various topics, such as topics related to diversity, equity, and inclusion and to other subject areas, using a variety of strategies, and drawing on various resources, including their own lived experiences
Unit 1: Informative Writing
Unit 3: Persuasive Writing
Unit 6: Informative Writing
Unit 8: Persuasive Writing
D1.3 gather information and content relevant to a topic, using multiple textual sources; summarize the information; verify the reliability of sources; and record the creator and source of all content created by others
Unit 1: Informative Writing
Unit 3: Persuasive Writing
Unit 6: Informative Writing
Unit 8: Persuasive Writing
D1.4 classify and sequence ideas and collected information, using appropriate strategies and tools, and identify and organize relevant content, taking into account the chosen text form, genre, and medium
Throughout All Units
D1.5 explain and compare how the strategies and tools used helped them develop ideas and organize content for texts of the chosen forms, genres, and media, and how they helped them improve as a text creator
D2. Creating Texts. Students will...
D2.1 draft complex texts of various forms and genres, including narrative, expository, and informational texts, using a variety of media, tools, and strategies
Throughout All Units
D2.2 write in fluent cursive, and apply keyboarding skills with increasing fluency, automaticity, and proficiency to improve the accuracy and effect of texts
Throughout All Units
D2.3 establish a personal voice in their texts, using varied language and elements of style to express their thoughts, feelings, and opinions about a topic, and using a tone appropriate to the form and genre
Throughout All Units
D2.4 identify the point of view, implicit and explicit perspectives, and bias conveyed in their texts, and explain how their messages might be interpreted by audiences with different perspectives
Unit 3: Persuasive Writing
Unit 8: Persuasive Writing
D2.5 make revisions to the content of draft texts and to elements of style, such as word choice and adding or deleting sentences, to improve clarity, focus, and coherence, seeking feedback *
Throughout All Units
D2.6 edit draft texts to improve accuracy and style, checking for errors in spelling, punctuation, grammar, and format; edit digital texts using word-processing software, including spell- and grammar-checkers
D3. Publishing, Presenting, and Reflecting. Students will...
D3.1 produce final texts, selecting a variety of suitable techniques and tools, including digital design and production tools, to achieve the intended effect
Throughout All Units
D3.2 publish and present texts they have created, using selected media and tools, and analyze how their choices helped them communicate their intended message
D3.3 compare how various strategies and tools helped them communicate their intended message when publishing and presenting texts, and suggest future steps for improvement as a text creator
* Available in Route2Write Marking bundles
1. Prewriting
Understands the purpose for the writing (e.g., to entertain, to inform, to communicate)
Throughout All Units
Selects topic and text type based on purpose and audience
Throughout All Units
Examines models of text type through immersion into the text (e.g. features of text, strategies author used to craft the text)
Throughout All Units
2. Drafting, i.e. initial version(s) of texts
Writes to a specific familiar audience of family, friends and teacher
Throughout All Units
Writes to a specific wider audience on self-selected and assigned topics, issues and concerns
Throughout All Units
Uses a structure that fits the type of writing (e.g. letter format, narrative)
Throughout All Units
Adjusts writing decisions to purpose and audience (e.g. the register and syntax of a
postcard, flyer and letter are different)
Throughout All Units
Connects needs and expectations of a specific audience to writing decisions (e.g.
provides additional details or information, sequences events or information to
enhance reader’s comprehension)
Throughout All Units
3. Revision, i.e. making changes to content of text and/or message and/or meaning
Rereads for clarity
Adds descriptive words and sufficient details
Throughout All Units
Sequences information, events
Unit 1: Informative Writing
Unit 3: Persuasive Writing
Unit 4: Narrative Writing
Unit 6: Informative Writing
Unit 8: Persuasive Writing
Unit 9: Narrative Writing
Deletes unnecessary details and/or information
Throughout All Units *
4. Editing, i.e. rearranging/re-ordering what has already been written and proofreading
Checks for spelling, punctuation and capitalization
Throughout All Units *
Checks for conventions of grammar
Throughout All Units *
Rearranges sentences and paragraphs for clarity and effect
Throughout All Units *
5. Publishing
Selects personally significant pieces of writing to publish
Selects layout and highlights relevant structures and features to enhance the presentation
Feedback: seeks and provides throughout all stages of the writing process
Throughout All Units *
* Only with the Marking Bundle
Curricular Competencies: Students are expected to...
Exchange ideas and viewpoints to build shared understanding and extend thinking
Use writing and design processes to plan, develop, and create engaging and meaningful
literary and informational texts for a variety of purposes and audiences
Throughout All Units
Assess and refine texts to improve their clarity, effectiveness, and impact according to
purpose, audience, and message
Throughout All Units
Use an increasing repertoire of conventions of Canadian spelling, grammar, and punctuation
Throughout All Units
Use and experiment with oral storytelling processes
Select and use appropriate features, forms, and genres according to audience, purpose,
and message
Throughout All Units
Transform ideas and information to create original texts
Throughout All Units
Content: Students are expected to know the following...
Story/text forms, functions and genres
Throughout All Units
Story/text features
Throughout All Units
Story/text literary elements
Throughout All Units
Story/text literary devices
Throughout All Units
Story/text argument
Unit 3: Persuasive Writing
Unit 8: Persuasive Writing
Reading strategies
Oral language strategies
Metacognitive strategies
Throughout All Units
Writing processes
Throughout All Units
Features of oral language
Unit 1: Informative Writing
Language Variety
Throughout All Units
Syntax and sentence fluency
Throughout All Units
Throughout All Units
Presentation Techniques
D1. Developing Ideas and Organizing Content. Students will...
D1.1 identify the topic, purpose, and audience for various texts they plan to create, and analyze why the chosen text form, genre, and medium suit the purpose and audience, and how they will help communicate the intended meaning
Unit 1: Informative Writing
Unit 3: Persuasive Writing
Unit 6: Informative Writing
Unit 8: Persuasive Writing
D1.2 generate and develop ideas and details about various topics, such as topics related to diversity, equity, and inclusion and to other subject areas, using a variety of strategies, and drawing on various resources, including their own lived experiences
Unit 1: Informative Writing
Unit 3: Persuasive Writing
Unit 6: Informative Writing
Unit 8: Persuasive Writing
D1.3 gather and synthesize information and content relevant to a topic, using a variety of textual sources and appropriate strategies; evaluate the quality, bias, and accuracy of information; verify the reliability of sources; and record the creator and source of all content created by others
Unit 1: Informative Writing
Unit 3: Persuasive Writing
Unit 6: Informative Writing
Unit 8: Persuasive Writing
D1.4 classify and sequence ideas and collected information, using appropriate strategies and tools, and identify and organize relevant content, taking into account the chosen text form, genre, and medium
Throughout All Units
D1.5 explain and compare how the strategies and tools used helped them develop ideas and organize content for texts of the chosen forms, genres, and media, and how they helped them improve as a text creator
D2. Creating Texts. Students will...
D2.1 draft complex texts of various forms and genres, including narrative, expository, and informational texts, using a variety of media, tools, and strategies
Throughout All Units
D2.2 write in cursive fluently, with a personal style, and apply word-processing skills with some fluency, automaticity, and proficiency to improve the accuracy and effect of texts
Throughout All Units
D2.3 establish a personal voice in their texts, using language and elements of style to express their thoughts, feelings, and opinions about a topic, and using a tone appropriate to the form and genre
Throughout All Units
D2.4 identify the point of view, perspectives, and bias conveyed in their texts, and explain how their messages might be interpreted by audiences with different perspectives
Unit 3: Persuasive Writing
Unit 8: Persuasive Writing
D2.5 make revisions to the content, elements of style, patterns, and features of draft texts, and add, delete and re-sequence sentences to improve clarity, focus, and coherence, using various strategies and seeking and selectively using feedback
Throughout All Units *
D2.6 edit draft texts to improve accuracy and style, checking for errors in spelling, punctuation, grammar, and format; edit digital texts using word-processing software, including spell- and grammar-checkers
D3. Publishing, Presenting, and Reflecting. Students will...
D3.1 produce final texts, selecting a variety of suitable techniques and tools, including digital design and production tools, to achieve the intended effect
Throughout All Units
D3.2 publish and present texts they have created, using various media and tools, and analyze how their choices helped them communicate their intended message
D3.3 compare how various strategies and tools helped them communicate their intended message when publishing and presenting texts, analyze how their texts address various topics, and suggest steps for future improvement as a text creator
* Available in Route2Write Marking bundles
1. Preproduction
a. Examines model texts to guide production decisions, specifically:
i. Unique structure(s), features, codes and conventions of a specific text type.
Throughout All Units
ii. Purpose and context in which the text was produced that influence features such as its style, rhetorical devices, textual conventions and content (e.g. an advertisement for sports equipment in a popular sports magazine; an airline safety pamphlet; a film review on a newspaper Web site)
Throughout All Units
iii. How characteristics of the intended/target audience are represented such as their needs, expectations, age group, social status, etc.
Unit 1: Informative Writing
Unit 3: Persuasive Writing
Unit 6: Informative Writing
Unit 8: Persuasive Writing
iv. How the meaning/message is represented and communicated
Unit 1: Informative Writing
Unit 3: Persuasive Writing
Unit 6: Informative Writing
Unit 8: Persuasive Writing
v. Level of formality of the discourse (i.e. its register)
Unit 1: Informative Writing
Unit 3: Persuasive Writing
Unit 6: Informative Writing
Unit 8: Persuasive Writing
vi. Aspects of the writer’s/producer’s stance and how these influence readers (e.g. intent, ideology, values, beliefs)
b. Plans and drafts the text:
i. (Media only) Uses collaborative strategies as part of a production team
(e.g. adopts different roles, shares expertise, sets and meets deadlines,
accepts different points of view, reaches consensus)
ii. Selects a text in light of context, including purpose, meaning(s)/message(s)
and intended/target audience
Throughout All Units
iii. Determines criteria to judge the quality of the text in light of the production context, including purpose and intended/target audience
Throughout All Units
iv. Characterizes needs and expectations of intended/target audience to make some decisions regarding content:
iv. (i) Familiar audience (e.g. provides additional details or information;
sequences events or information to enhance reader’s comprehension)
Unit 1: Informative Writing
Unit 3: Persuasive Writing
Unit 6: Informative Writing
Unit 8: Persuasive Writing
v. Uses a range of stances derived from:
v. (i) Personal experience(s) and knowledge
Unit 1: Informative Writing
Unit 3: Persuasive Writing
Unit 6: Informative Writing
Unit 8: Persuasive Writing
vi. Uses appropriate organizational devices in light of text, purpose,
intended/target audience, meaning(s)/message(s) and context (e.g. outline,
Throughout All Units
vii. Researches to locate material, resources and/or expertise
Unit 1: Informative Writing
Unit 3: Persuasive Writing
Unit 6: Informative Writing
Unit 7: Descriptive Writing
viii. Manages resources (e.g. makes appointments to administer surveys or
conduct an interview; books AV equipment in advance)
ix. Looks into issues of ownership, property and privacy common to the media
industry (e.g. checks that copyright and/or legal permission can be obtained;
reviews relevant intellectual property laws)
2. Production
a. Uses relevant technology resources throughout the production process (e.g. uses
a still or video camera in a Public Service Announcement (PSA); downloads digital images for a multimedia project)
b. Uses structures, features, codes and conventions of a specific text to
communicate clearly and enhance meaning(s)/message(s)
Throughout All Units
c. Uses knowledge about spoken and/or written and/or media modes and genres to make production decisions that enhance the impact of the text on its intended/target audience (e.g. decides to place a dramatic photograph with a feature news story to move the audience)
d. Uses rhetorical strategies and different registers in context (e.g. uses an active voice to project a sense of immediacy)
Unit 3: Persuasive Writing
Unit 8: Persuasive Writing
e. Respects constraints of the media industry (e.g. length, ideology, copyright, layout)
3. Postproduction
a. Evaluates draft/version critically, and makes relevant adjustments to enhance:
i. Clarity and development of ideas, meaning(s)/message(s)
Throughout All Units *
ii. Internal organization of the content (e.g. changes order of images in a photo essay)
Throughout All Units *
iii. Precision in the use of details and/or information
Throughout All Units *
iv. Coherence in light of the production context, purpose, intended/target audience and production criteria
Throughout All Units *
v. Accuracy in the use of structure, features, codes and conventions of the text, including respect for media constraints (i.e. applies text grammars correctly)
Throughout All Units *
vi. Effectiveness of technology used (e.g. rerecording narration to fill in gaps and/or for audibility in a radio spot; slowing down transitions between images in a digital photo essay so the reader can process them)
vii. Use of stylistic conventions for specific effect (e.g. sound effects to create mood; use of exaggerated gory details in a crime scene description)
b. Proofreads draft/version for:
i. Surface errors in written language (i.e. spelling and usage conventions,
grammar and syntax)
Throughout All Units *
ii. Clarity regarding the layout and presentation of the final draft/version of the text (e.g. arranges the placement of charts, diagrams or images)
iii. Continuity (e.g. ensures coherent visual style in a comic re: colour,
character depiction; checks that formatting is consistent in a written text)
c. Prepares for presentation:
i. Selects the most effective way to present the text to intended/target
ii. Uses the appropriate codes and conventions to present the text (e.g. uses a formal register when presenting a poster to the class)
iii. Manages resources in a presentation (e.g. checks that software is compatible, CDs are cued up)
iv. Transforms the information from one mode or medium to another
(e.g. prepares a slideshow that synthesizes the data from an action research project)
d. Self-evaluates production process:
i. Makes effective use of specific feedback throughout all stages of the
production process, including rehearsal/dry run
Throughout All Units
ii. Uses teacher- peer- and self-evaluation as a resource to consolidate and reinvest new knowledge, understanding and information (e.g. records peer responses in own Integrated Profile for reference in subsequent production tasks)
Throughout All Units
iii. Uses a metalanguage to explain production decisions (e.g. explains the symbolism of the colour red and the mood that patriotic music creates in a book trailer about war)
* Only with the Marking Bundle
Curricular Competencies: Students are expected to...
Exchange ideas and viewpoints to build shared understanding and extend thinking
Use writing and design processes to plan, develop, and create engaging and meaningful
literary and informational texts for a variety of purposes and audiences
Throughout All Units
Assess and refine texts to improve their clarity, effectiveness, and impact according to
purpose, audience, and message
Throughout All Units
Use an increasing repertoire of conventions of Canadian spelling, grammar, and punctuation
Throughout All Units
Use and experiment with oral storytelling processes
Select and use appropriate features, forms, and genres according to audience, purpose,
and message
Throughout All Units
Transform ideas and information to create original texts
Throughout All Units
Content: Students are expected to know the following...
Story/text forms, functions and genres
Throughout All Units
Story/text features
Throughout All Units
Story/text literary elements
Throughout All Units
Story/text literary devices
Throughout All Units
Story/text elements of visual/graphic texts
Story/text relevance, accuracy, reliability
Unit 3: Persuasive Writing
Unit 8: Persuasive Writing
Reading strategies
Oral language strategies
Metacognitive strategies
Throughout All Units
Writing processes
Throughout All Units
Features of oral language
Throughout All Units
Language usage and context
Throughout All Units
Elements of style
Throughout All Units
Syntax and sentence fluency
Throughout All Units
Throughout All Units
Presentation Techniques
D1. Developing Ideas and Organizing Content. Students will...
D1.1 identify the topic, purpose, and audience for various texts they plan to create; choose a text form, genre, and medium to suit the purpose and audience, and justify their choices
Unit 1: Informative Writing
Unit 3: Persuasive Writing
Unit 6: Informative Writing
Unit 8: Persuasive Writing
D1.2 generate and develop ideas and details about challenging topics, such as topics related to diversity, equity, and inclusion and to other subject areas, using a variety of strategies, and drawing on various resources, including their own lived experiences
Unit 1: Informative Writing
Unit 3: Persuasive Writing
Unit 6: Informative Writing
Unit 8: Persuasive Writing
D1.3 gather and synthesize information and content relevant to a topic, using a variety of textual sources and appropriate strategies; evaluate the currency, quality, bias, and accuracy of information; verify the reliability of sources; and cite the sources of all content created by others
Unit 1: Informative Writing
Unit 3: Persuasive Writing
Unit 6: Informative Writing
Unit 8: Persuasive Writing
D1.4 classify and sequence ideas and collected information, selecting effective strategies and tools, and identify and organize relevant content, evaluating the choices of text form, genre, and medium, and considering alternatives
Throughout All Units
D1.5 evaluate the strategies and tools used to develop ideas and organize content for texts of the chosen forms, genres, and media, explain which were most helpful, and suggest steps for future improvement as a text creator
D2. Creating Texts. Students will...
D2.1 draft complex texts of various forms and genres, including narrative, persuasive, expository, and informational texts, citing sources, and use a variety of appropriate media, tools, and strategies to transform information and communicate ideas
Throughout All Units
D2.2 write in cursive fluently, with a personal style, and apply advanced word-processing skills to improve the accuracy and effect of texts
D2.3 establish an identifiable voice in their texts, modifying language and style to suit the text’s form, genre, audience, and purpose, and express their thoughts, feelings, and opinions about the topic clearly
Throughout All Units
D2.4 explain the explicit and implicit points of view, perspectives, and bias conveyed in their texts, evaluate how various audiences might respond, and suggest ways to acknowledge other perspectives
Unit 3: Persuasive Writing
Unit 8: Persuasive Writing
D2.5 make revisions to the content, elements of style, patterns, and features of draft texts, and add, delete, revise, and reorganize sentences to improve clarity, focus, and coherence, using various strategies and seeking and selectively using feedback
Throughout All Units *
D2.6 edit draft texts to improve accuracy and style, checking for errors in spelling, punctuation, grammar, and format; edit digital texts using word-processing software, including spell- and grammar-checkers
D3. Publishing, Presenting, and Reflecting. Students will...
D3.1 produce final texts using appropriate techniques and tools, including digital design and production tools, to achieve the intended effect
Throughout All Units
D3.2 publish and present texts they have created, using various media and tools, and evaluate how their choices helped them communicate their intended message
D3.3 evaluate the strategies and tools they found helpful when publishing and presenting texts, reflect on what they learned at each stage of the creative process, analyze how their texts address various topics, and suggest steps for future improvement as a text creator
* Available in Route2Write Marking bundles
1. Preproduction
a. Examines model texts to guide production decisions, specifically:
i. Unique structure(s), features, codes and conventions of a specific text type.
Throughout All Units
ii. Purpose and context in which the text was produced that influence features such as its style, rhetorical devices, textual conventions and content (e.g. an advertisement for sports equipment in a popular sports magazine; an airline safety pamphlet; a film review on a newspaper Web site)
Throughout All Units
iii. How characteristics of the intended/target audience are represented such as their needs, expectations, age group, social status, etc.
Unit 1: Informative Writing
Unit 3: Persuasive Writing
Unit 6: Informative Writing
Unit 8: Persuasive Writing
iv. How the meaning/message is represented and communicated
Unit 1: Informative Writing
Unit 3: Persuasive Writing
Unit 6: Informative Writing
Unit 8: Persuasive Writing
v. Level of formality of the discourse (i.e. its register)
Unit 1: Informative Writing
Unit 3: Persuasive Writing
Unit 6: Informative Writing
Unit 8: Persuasive Writing
vi. Aspects of the writer’s/producer’s stance and how these influence readers (e.g. intent, ideology, values, beliefs)
b. Plans and drafts the text:
i. (Media only) Uses collaborative strategies as part of a production team
(e.g. adopts different roles, shares expertise, sets and meets deadlines,
accepts different points of view, reaches consensus)
ii. Selects a text in light of context, including purpose, meaning(s)/message(s)
and intended/target audience
Throughout All Units
iii. Determines criteria to judge the quality of the text in light of the production context, including purpose and intended/target audience
Throughout All Units
iv. Characterizes needs and expectations of intended/target audience to make some decisions regarding content:
iv. (i) Familiar audience (e.g. provides additional details or information;
sequences events or information to enhance reader’s comprehension)
Unit 1: Informative Writing
Unit 3: Persuasive Writing
Unit 6: Informative Writing
Unit 8: Persuasive Writing
v. Uses a range of stances derived from:
v. (i) Personal experience(s) and knowledge
Unit 1: Informative Writing
Unit 3: Persuasive Writing
Unit 6: Informative Writing
Unit 8: Persuasive Writing
vi. Uses appropriate organizational devices in light of text, purpose,
intended/target audience, meaning(s)/message(s) and context (e.g. outline,
Throughout All Units
vii. Researches to locate material, resources and/or expertise
Unit 1: Informative Writing
Unit 3: Persuasive Writing
Unit 6: Informative Writing
Unit 7: Descriptive Writing
viii. Manages resources (e.g. makes appointments to administer surveys or
conduct an interview; books AV equipment in advance)
ix. Looks into issues of ownership, property and privacy common to the media
industry (e.g. checks that copyright and/or legal permission can be obtained;
reviews relevant intellectual property laws)
2. Production
a. Uses relevant technology resources throughout the production process (e.g. uses
a still or video camera in a Public Service Announcement (PSA); downloads digital images for a multimedia project)
b. Uses structures, features, codes and conventions of a specific text to
communicate clearly and enhance meaning(s)/message(s)
Throughout All Units
c. Uses knowledge about spoken and/or written and/or media modes and genres to make production decisions that enhance the impact of the text on its intended/target audience (e.g. decides to place a dramatic photograph with a feature news story to move the audience)
d. Uses rhetorical strategies and different registers in context (e.g. uses an active voice to project a sense of immediacy)
Unit 3: Persuasive Writing
Unit 8: Persuasive Writing
e. Respects constraints of the media industry (e.g. length, ideology, copyright, layout)
3. Postproduction
a. Evaluates draft/version critically, and makes relevant adjustments to enhance:
i. Clarity and development of ideas, meaning(s)/message(s)
Throughout All Units *
ii. Internal organization of the content (e.g. changes order of images in a photo essay)
Throughout All Units *
iii. Precision in the use of details and/or information
Throughout All Units *
iv. Coherence in light of the production context, purpose, intended/target audience and production criteria
Throughout All Units *
v. Accuracy in the use of structure, features, codes and conventions of the text, including respect for media constraints (i.e. applies text grammars correctly)
Throughout All Units *
vi. Effectiveness of technology used (e.g. rerecording narration to fill in gaps and/or for audibility in a radio spot; slowing down transitions between images in a digital photo essay so the reader can process them)
vii. Use of stylistic conventions for specific effect (e.g. sound effects to create mood; use of exaggerated gory details in a crime scene description)
b. Proofreads draft/version for:
i. Surface errors in written language (i.e. spelling and usage conventions,
grammar and syntax)
Throughout All Units *
ii. Clarity regarding the layout and presentation of the final draft/version of the text (e.g. arranges the placement of charts, diagrams or images)
iii. Continuity (e.g. ensures coherent visual style in a comic re: colour,
character depiction; checks that formatting is consistent in a written text)
c. Prepares for presentation:
i. Selects the most effective way to present the text to intended/target
ii. Uses the appropriate codes and conventions to present the text (e.g. uses a formal register when presenting a poster to the class)
iii. Manages resources in a presentation (e.g. checks that software is compatible, CDs are cued up)
iv. Transforms the information from one mode or medium to another
(e.g. prepares a slideshow that synthesizes the data from an action research project)
d. Self-evaluates production process:
i. Makes effective use of specific feedback throughout all stages of the
production process, including rehearsal/dry run
Throughout All Units
ii. Uses teacher- peer- and self-evaluation as a resource to consolidate and reinvest new knowledge, understanding and information (e.g. records peer responses in own Integrated Profile for reference in subsequent production tasks)
Throughout All Units
iii. Uses a metalanguage to explain production decisions (e.g. explains the symbolism of the colour red and the mood that patriotic music creates in a book trailer about war)
* Only with the Marking Bundle
Curricular Competencies: Students are expected to...
Exchange ideas and viewpoints to build shared understanding and extend thinking
Use writing and design processes to plan, develop, and create engaging and meaningful
literary and informational texts for a variety of purposes and audiences
Throughout All Units
Assess and refine texts to improve their clarity, effectiveness, and impact according to
purpose, audience, and message
Throughout All Units
Use an increasing repertoire of conventions of Canadian spelling, grammar, and punctuation
Throughout All Units
Use and experiment with oral storytelling processes
Select and use appropriate features, forms, and genres according to audience, purpose,
and message
Throughout All Units
Transform ideas and information to create original texts
Throughout All Units
Express an opinion and support it with credible evidence
Unit 3: Persuasive Writing
Unit 8: Persuasive Writing
Content: Students are expected to know the following...
Story/text forms, functions and genres
Throughout All Units
Story/text features
Throughout All Units
Story/text literary elements
Throughout All Units
Story/text literary devices
Throughout All Units
Story/text elements of visual/graphic texts
Reading strategies
Oral language strategies
Metacognitive strategies
Throughout All Units
Writing processes
Throughout All Units
Features of oral language
Throughout All Units
Language usage and context
Throughout All Units
Elements of style
Throughout All Units
Syntax and sentence fluency
Throughout All Units
Throughout All Units
Presentation Techniques
Rhetorical Devices
Unit 3: Persuasive Writing
Unit 8: Persuasive Writing
Connotation and Denotation
Unit 1: Informative Writing
Unit 2: Descriptive Writing
Unit 3: Persuasive Writing
Unit 6: Informative Writing
Unit 7: Descriptive Writing
Unit 8: Persuasive Writing
D1. Developing Ideas and Organizing Content. Students will...
D1.1 identify the topic, purpose, and audience for various texts they plan to create; choose a text form, genre, and medium to suit the purpose and audience, and justify their choices
Throughout All Units
D1.2 generate and develop ideas and details about complex topics, such as topics related to diversity, equity, and inclusion and to other subject areas, using a variety of strategies, and drawing on various resources, including their own lived experiences
Unit 1: Informative Writing
Unit 3: Persuasive Writing
Unit 6: Informative Writing
Unit 8: Persuasive Writing
D1.3 gather and synthesize information and content relevant to a topic, using a variety of textual sources and appropriate strategies; evaluate the currency, quality, bias, and accuracy of information; verify the reliability of sources; and check copyright and cite the sources for all content created by others
Unit 1: Informative Writing
Unit 3: Persuasive Writing
Unit 6: Informative Writing
Unit 8: Persuasive Writing
D1.4 classify and sequence ideas and collected information, selecting effective strategies and tools, and identify and organize relevant content, evaluating the choices of text form, genre, and medium, and considering alternatives
Throughout All Units
D1.5 evaluate the strategies and tools used to develop ideas and organize content for texts of the chosen forms, genres, and media, explain which were most helpful, and suggest steps for future improvement as a text creator
D2. Creating Texts. Students will...
D2.1 draft complex texts of various forms and genres, including narrative, persuasive, expository, and informational texts, citing sources, and use a variety of appropriate media, tools, and strategies to transform information and communicate ideas
Throughout All Units
D2.2 write fluently, with a personal style, touch type quickly and accurately, and select and use appropriate word-processing programs and tools to produce texts of various lengths and complexity
Throughout All Units
D2.3 establish an identifiable voice in their texts, modifying language, style, and tone to suit the text’s form, genre, audience, and purpose, and express their thoughts, feelings, and opinions about the topic clearly
Throughout All Units
D2.4 explain the explicit and implicit points of view, perspectives, and bias conveyed in their texts, evaluate how various audiences might respond, and suggest ways to acknowledge other perspectives
Unit 3: Persuasive Writing
Unit 8: Persuasive Writing
D2.5 make revisions to the content, elements of style, patterns, and features of draft texts, and add, delete, revise, and reorganize sentences to improve clarity, focus, and coherence, using various strategies and seeking and selectively using feedback
Throughout All Units *
D2.6 edit draft texts to improve accuracy and style, checking for errors in spelling, punctuation, grammar, and format; edit digital texts using word-processing software, including spell- and grammar-checkers
D3. Publishing, Presenting, and Reflecting. Students will...
D3.1 produce final texts using appropriate techniques and tools, including digital design and production tools, to achieve the intended effect
Throughout All Units
D3.2 publish and present texts they have created, using various media and tools, and evaluate how their choices helped them communicate their intended message
D3.3 evaluate the strategies and tools they found helpful when publishing and presenting texts, reflect on what they learned at each stage of the creative process, analyze how their texts address various topics, and suggest steps for future improvement as a text creator
* Available in Route2Write Marking bundles
1. Preproduction
a. Examines model texts to guide production decisions, specifically:
i. Unique structure(s), features, codes and conventions of a specific text type.
Throughout All Units
ii. Purpose and context in which the text was produced that influence features such as its style, rhetorical devices, textual conventions and content (e.g. an advertisement for sports equipment in a popular sports magazine; an airline safety pamphlet; a film review on a newspaper Web site)
Throughout All Units
iii. How characteristics of the intended/target audience are represented such as their needs, expectations, age group, social status, etc.
Unit 1: Informative Writing
Unit 3: Persuasive Writing
Unit 6: Informative Writing
Unit 8: Persuasive Writing
iv. How the meaning/message is represented and communicated
Unit 1: Informative Writing
Unit 3: Persuasive Writing
Unit 6: Informative Writing
Unit 8: Persuasive Writing
v. Level of formality of the discourse (i.e. its register)
Unit 1: Informative Writing
Unit 3: Persuasive Writing
Unit 6: Informative Writing
Unit 8: Persuasive Writing
vi. Aspects of the writer’s/producer’s stance and how these influence readers (e.g. intent, ideology, values, beliefs)
b. Plans and drafts the text:
i. (Media only) Uses collaborative strategies as part of a production team
(e.g. adopts different roles, shares expertise, sets and meets deadlines,
accepts different points of view, reaches consensus)
ii. Selects a text in light of context, including purpose, meaning(s)/message(s)
and intended/target audience
Throughout All Units
iii. Determines criteria to judge the quality of the text in light of the production context, including purpose and intended/target audience
Throughout All Units
iv. Characterizes needs and expectations of intended/target audience to make some decisions regarding content:
iv. (i) Familiar audience (e.g. provides additional details or information;
sequences events or information to enhance reader’s comprehension)
Unit 1: Informative Writing
Unit 3: Persuasive Writing
Unit 6: Informative Writing
Unit 8: Persuasive Writing
v. Uses a range of stances derived from:
v. (i) Personal experience(s) and knowledge
Unit 1: Informative Writing
Unit 3: Persuasive Writing
Unit 6: Informative Writing
Unit 8: Persuasive Writing
v. (ii) Distance between self as writer/producer, topic, purpose and
intended/target audience
vi. Uses appropriate organizational devices in light of text, purpose,
intended/target audience, meaning(s)/message(s) and context (e.g. outline,
Throughout All Units
vii. Researches to locate material, resources and/or expertise
Unit 1: Informative Writing
Unit 3: Persuasive Writing
Unit 6: Informative Writing
Unit 7: Descriptive Writing
viii. Manages resources (e.g. makes appointments to administer surveys or
conduct an interview; books AV equipment in advance)
ix. Looks into issues of ownership, property and privacy common to the media
industry (e.g. checks that copyright and/or legal permission can be obtained;
reviews relevant intellectual property laws)
2. Production
a. Uses relevant technology resources throughout the production process (e.g. uses
a still or video camera in a Public Service Announcement (PSA); downloads digital images for a multimedia project)
b. Uses structures, features, codes and conventions of a specific text to
communicate clearly and enhance meaning(s)/message(s)
Throughout All Units
c. Uses knowledge about spoken and/or written and/or media modes and genres to make production decisions that enhance the impact of the text on its intended/target audience (e.g. decides to place a dramatic photograph with a feature news story to move the audience)
d. Uses rhetorical strategies and different registers in context (e.g. uses an active voice to project a sense of immediacy)
Unit 3: Persuasive Writing
Unit 8: Persuasive Writing
e. Respects constraints of the media industry (e.g. length, ideology, copyright, layout)
3. Postproduction
a. Evaluates draft/version critically, and makes relevant adjustments to enhance:
i. Clarity and development of ideas, meaning(s)/message(s)
Throughout All Units *
ii. Internal organization of the content (e.g. changes order of images in a photo essay)
Throughout All Units *
iii. Precision in the use of details and/or information
Throughout All Units *
iv. Coherence in light of the production context, purpose, intended/target audience and production criteria
Throughout All Units *
v. Accuracy in the use of structure, features, codes and conventions of the text, including respect for media constraints (i.e. applies text grammars correctly)
Throughout All Units *
vi. Effectiveness of technology used (e.g. rerecording narration to fill in gaps and/or for audibility in a radio spot; slowing down transitions between images in a digital photo essay so the reader can process them)
vii. Use of stylistic conventions for specific effect (e.g. sound effects to create mood; use of exaggerated gory details in a crime scene description)
b. Proofreads draft/version for:
i. Surface errors in written language (i.e. spelling and usage conventions,
grammar and syntax)
Throughout All Units *
ii. Clarity regarding the layout and presentation of the final draft/version of the text (e.g. arranges the placement of charts, diagrams or images)
iii. Continuity (e.g. ensures coherent visual style in a comic re: colour,
character depiction; checks that formatting is consistent in a written text)
c. Prepares for presentation:
i. Selects the most effective way to present the text to intended/target
ii. Uses the appropriate codes and conventions to present the text (e.g. uses a formal register when presenting a poster to the class)
iii. Manages resources in a presentation (e.g. checks that software is compatible, CDs are cued up)
iv. Transforms the information from one mode or medium to another
(e.g. prepares a slideshow that synthesizes the data from an action research project)
d. Self-evaluates production process:
i. Makes effective use of specific feedback throughout all stages of the
production process, including rehearsal/dry run
Throughout All Units
ii. Uses teacher- peer- and self-evaluation as a resource to consolidate and reinvest new knowledge, understanding and information (e.g. records peer responses in own Integrated Profile for reference in subsequent production tasks)
Throughout All Units
iii. Uses a metalanguage to explain production decisions (e.g. explains the symbolism of the colour red and the mood that patriotic music creates in a book trailer about war)
* Only with the Marking Bundle
Curricular Competencies: Students are expected to...
Exchange ideas and viewpoints to build shared understanding and extend thinking
Respond to text in personal, creative, and critical ways
Unit 3: Literary Studies
Unit 8: Literary Studies
Assess and refine texts to improve clarity and impact
Throughout All Units
Demonstrate speaking and listening skills in a variety of formal and informal contexts for a range of purposes
Unit 5: Spoken Language
Unit 10: Spoken Language
Use writing and design processes to plan, develop, and create engaging and meaningful texts for a variety of purposes and audiences
Throughout All Units
Express and support an opinion with evidence
Unit 1: Composition
Unit 3: Literary Studies
Unit 6: Composition
Unit 8: Literary Studies
Use the conventions of Canadian spelling, grammar, and punctuation proficiently and as appropriate to the context
Throughout All Units
Use acknowledgements and citations to recognize intellectual property rights
Unit 1: Composition
Unit 3: Literary Studies
Unit 4: New Media
Unit 6: Composition
Unit 8: Literary Studies
Unit 9: New Media
Transform ideas and information to create original texts
Throughout All Units
Content: Students are expected to know the following...
Text forms and genres
Throughout All Units
Text features and structures
Throughout All Units
Strategies and processes
Throughout All Units
Story/text literary devices
Unit 2: Creative Writing
Unit 3: Literary Studies
Unit 7: Creative Writing
Unit 8: Literary Studies
Reading strategies
Oral language strategies
Unit 5: Spoken Language
Unit 10: Spoken Language
Metacognitive strategies
Throughout All Units
Writing processes
Throughout All Units
Language features
Throughout All Units
Elements of style
Throughout All Units
Exploration of Voice
Throughout All Units
Usage and Conventions
Throughout All Units
Literary Elements and Devices
Unit 2: Creative Writing
Unit 3: Literary Studies
Unit 7: Creative Writing
Unit 8: Literary Studies
Citation Techniques
Throughout All Units
1. Developing and Organizing Content. Students will...
1.1 identify the topic, purpose, and audience for a variety of writing tasks
Throughout All Units
1.2 generate, expand, explore, and focus ideas for potential writing tasks, using a variety of strategies and print, electronic, and other resources, as appropriate
Throughout All Units
1.3 locate and select information to appropriately support ideas for writing, using a variety of strategies and print, electronic, and other resources, as appropriate
Unit 1: Composition
Unit 3: Literary Studies
Unit 4: New Media
Unit 8: Literary Studies
Unit 9: New Media
1.4 identify, sort, and order main ideas and supporting details for writing tasks, using a variety of strategies and organizational patterns suited to the content and the purpose for writing
Throughout All Units
1.5 determine whether the ideas and information gathered are relevant to the topic, accurate, and complete and appropriately meet the requirements of the writing task
Unit 1: Composition
Unit 3: Literary Studies
Unit 4: New Media
Unit 6: Composition
Unit 8: Literary Studies
Unit 9: New Media
2. Using Knowledge of Form and Style. Students will...
2.1 write for different purposes and audiences using a variety of literary, graphic, and informational forms
Throughout All Units
2.2 establish a distinctive voice in their writing, modifying language and tone skilfully to suit the form, audience, and purpose for writing
Throughout All Units
2.3 use appropriate descriptive and evocative words, phrases, and expressions to make their writing clear, vivid, and interesting for their intended audience
Unit 2: Creative Writing
Unit 7: Creative Writing
2.4 write complete sentences that communicate
their meaning clearly and accurately, varying
sentence type, structure, and length to suit
different purposes and making smooth and
logical transitions between ideas
Throughout All Units
2.5 explain how their own beliefs, values, and experiences are revealed in their writing
2.6 revise drafts to improve the content, organization, clarity, and style of their written work, using a variety of teacher-modelled strategies*
Throughout All Units
2.7 produce revised drafts of texts, including increasingly complex texts, written to meet criteria identified by the teacher, based on the curriculum expectations
Throughout All Units
3. Applying Knowledge of Conventions. Students will...
3.1 use knowledge of spelling rules and patterns, a variety of resources, and appropriate strategies to recognize and correct their own and others’ spelling errors
3.2 build vocabulary for writing by confirming word meaning(s) and reviewing and refining word choice, using a variety of resources and strategies, as appropriate for the purpose
3.3 use punctuation correctly and appropriately to communicate their intended meaning
3.4 use grammar conventions correctly and appropriately to communicate their intended meaning clearly and fluently
3.5 proofread and correct their writing, using guidelines developed with the teacher and peers
3.6 use a variety of presentation features, including print and script, fonts, graphics, and layout, to improve the clarity and coherence of their work and to heighten its appeal for their audience
Unit 9: New Media
3.7 produce pieces of published work to meet criteria identified by the teacher, based on the curriculum expectations
4. Reflecting on Skills and Strategies. Students will...
4.1 describe a variety of strategies they used before, during, and after writing; explain which ones they found most helpful; and identify appropriate steps they can take to improve as writers
4.2 identify a variety of skills they have in listening, speaking, reading, viewing, and representing and explain how the skills help them write more effectively
4.3 select a variety of examples of different types of writing that they think reflect significant advances in their growth and competence as writers and explain the reasons for their choice
* Available in Route2Write Marking bundles
1. Preproduction
a. Examines model texts to guide production decisions, specifically:
i. Unique structure(s), features, codes and conventions of a specific text type.
Throughout All Units
ii. Purpose and context in which the text was produced that influence features such as its style, rhetorical devices, textual conventions and content (e.g. an advertisement for sports equipment in a popular sports magazine; an airline safety pamphlet; a film review on a newspaper Web site)
Throughout All Units
iii. How characteristics of the intended/target audience are represented such as their needs, expectations, age group, social status, etc.
Throughout All Units
iv. How the meaning/message is represented and communicated
Throughout All Units
v. Level of formality of the discourse (i.e. its register)
Unit 1: Composition
Unit 6: Composition
vi. Aspects of the writer’s/producer’s stance and how these influence readers (e.g. intent, ideology, values, beliefs)
b. Plans and drafts the text:
i. (Media only) Uses collaborative strategies as part of a production team
(e.g. adopts different roles, shares expertise, sets and meets deadlines,
accepts different points of view, reaches consensus)
ii. Selects a text in light of context, including purpose, meaning(s)/message(s)
and intended/target audience
Unit 1: Composition
Unit 6: Composition
iii. Determines criteria to judge the quality of the text in light of the production context, including purpose and intended/target audience
Unit 3: Literary Studies
Unit 8: Literary Studies
iv. Characterizes needs and expectations of intended/target audience to make some decisions regarding content:
iv. (i) Familiar audience (e.g. provides additional details or information;
sequences events or information to enhance reader’s comprehension)
Unit 3: Literary Studies
Unit 4: New Media
Unit 8: Literary Studies
Unit 9: New Media
v. Uses a range of stances derived from:
v. (i) Personal experience(s) and knowledge
Unit 1: Composition
Unit 6: Composition
v. (ii) Distance between self as writer/producer, topic, purpose and
intended/target audience
Unit 1: Composition
Unit 6: Composition
vi. Uses appropriate organizational devices in light of text, purpose,
intended/target audience, meaning(s)/message(s) and context (e.g. outline,
Throughout All Units
vii. Researches to locate material, resources and/or expertise
Throughout All Units
viii. Manages resources (e.g. makes appointments to administer surveys or
conduct an interview; books AV equipment in advance)
ix. Looks into issues of ownership, property and privacy common to the media
industry (e.g. checks that copyright and/or legal permission can be obtained;
reviews relevant intellectual property laws)
2. Production
a. Uses relevant technology resources throughout the production process (e.g. uses
a still or video camera in a Public Service Announcement (PSA); downloads digital images for a multimedia project)
Throughout All Units
b. Uses structures, features, codes and conventions of a specific text to
communicate clearly and enhance meaning(s)/message(s)
Throughout All Units
c. Uses knowledge about spoken and/or written and/or media modes and genres to make production decisions that enhance the impact of the text on its intended/target audience (e.g. decides to place a dramatic photograph with a feature news story to move the audience)
d. Uses rhetorical strategies and different registers in context (e.g. uses an active voice to project a sense of immediacy)
Unit 1: Composition
Unit 6: Composition
e. Respects constraints of the media industry (e.g. length, ideology, copyright, layout)
3. Postproduction
a. Evaluates draft/version critically, and makes relevant adjustments to enhance:
i. Clarity and development of ideas, meaning(s)/message(s)
Throughout All Units *
ii. Internal organization of the content (e.g. changes order of images in a photo essay)
Throughout All Units *
iii. Precision in the use of details and/or information
Throughout All Units *
iv. Coherence in light of the production context, purpose, intended/target audience and production criteria
Throughout All Units *
v. Accuracy in the use of structure, features, codes and conventions of the text, including respect for media constraints (i.e. applies text grammars correctly)
Throughout All Units *
vi. Effectiveness of technology used (e.g. rerecording narration to fill in gaps and/or for audibility in a radio spot; slowing down transitions between images in a digital photo essay so the reader can process them)
vii. Use of stylistic conventions for specific effect (e.g. sound effects to create mood; use of exaggerated gory details in a crime scene description)
b. Proofreads draft/version for:
i. Surface errors in written language (i.e. spelling and usage conventions,
grammar and syntax)
Throughout All Units *
ii. Clarity regarding the layout and presentation of the final draft/version of the text (e.g. arranges the placement of charts, diagrams or images)
iii. Continuity (e.g. ensures coherent visual style in a comic re: colour,
character depiction; checks that formatting is consistent in a written text)
c. Prepares for presentation:
i. Selects the most effective way to present the text to intended/target
ii. Uses the appropriate codes and conventions to present the text (e.g. uses a formal register when presenting a poster to the class)
iii. Manages resources in a presentation (e.g. checks that software is compatible, CDs are cued up)
iv. Transforms the information from one mode or medium to another
(e.g. prepares a slideshow that synthesizes the data from an action research project)
d. Self-evaluates production process:
i. Makes effective use of specific feedback throughout all stages of the
production process, including rehearsal/dry run
ii. Uses teacher- peer- and self-evaluation as a resource to consolidate and reinvest new knowledge, understanding and information (e.g. records peer responses in own Integrated Profile for reference in subsequent production tasks)
iii. Uses a metalanguage to explain production decisions (e.g. explains the symbolism of the colour red and the mood that patriotic music creates in a book trailer about war)
* Only with the Marking Bundle

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